Random Ramblings... | Maple Valley Family Photographer

I was listening to a very successful photographer talk about how she got her start.  She firmly believes in frequently updated blogs.  She also believes in putting more personal info in the blogs so that the reader actually gets to know you the photographer.  At this point almost all of my readers are my personal friends, but sometimes you guys are still amused by what I have to say...  sometimes...

I love this picture.  It's not like it is good or anything, but I really think that it is a picture of my life.  I have 5 kids running around my house.  FIVE!  I love them to pieces- most days.  The problem is sheer numbers.  When you have five, the chances that at any one point in time someone is going to need something are significantly higher than if you just have 2.    Most of the time there is at least somebody at my house that NEEDS something...  and  a good portion of the time those needs come out as a cry or a whine. 

Sometimes I feel like I need a vacation.  I mean, we DID just get back from 2 weeks visiting family in Texas, but I am not sure if that was a vacation.  I had five kids with me!  Don't get me wrong, we had a blast, but I didn't get to escape my everyday duties.  What would I consider a vacation?  Honestly, it would be some sort of photography workshop.  I love being a photographer.  Just getting out for a shoot is a little mini vacation for me.  I get to leave behind all of the things begging for my attention (the kids, the dog, the laundry, the dirty cabinet doors, the soap scum on the shower door...) and capture beautiful images for someone.  I get to spend some time doing something that I am actually good at (don't look at my shower doors-   I am not very good at that).  I get to complete a train of thought-  a huge luxury that I rarely get at home.  I get to awe people.  Nothing is better than that.  Nothing is better than to see someone get excited about an image that you have captured.   Love it! 

Maybe it is just a instant gratification thing.  Taking pictures is much closer to instant gratification, especially in the digital age.  You shoot a picture, you see it in the little LCD screen.  It looks promising.  If you are like me, you might even flip back through them if you are at a long stoplight as you are driving home (probably shouldn't admit that).   Then you get home, you see it on the screen.  You feel all warm an fuzzy.  Then you get to order it, hopefully big, and give it to the customer and see their smile.  Huge payoff.  Raising kids...  it take much longer for those pay offs.  My older two are turning into pretty awesome kids and we are so very proud of them, but the stakes are much bigger and it is a much more long term project.

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