Look back over 2010 | Newborn Photography

I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season.  Ours was a quiet celebration.  Well, as quiet as you can get with five children.  I grew up running from celebration to celebration, surrounded by grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  I know that there are a lot of people who find those kinds of Christmases crazy, but it was my normal. 
With the coming of the New Year, comes a time of reflection.  I am so blessed to have collected some of the most amazing clients.  Many were friends that believed in me, but I love that my customers become my friends. 
I love newborn sessions.  Partially just because I love newborns, but I also love the privledge of documenting such a precious moment in a family's history.  I have gathered some of my favorite images.  I hope you enjoy them!

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