Tuesday's Tip for Better Photos

Tuesday's Tip for Better Photos

Sorry I missed last week.  Coming off of Memorial Day threw me for a loop.  I just barely made it today.  :)

Change your Point of View!!!

The bulk majority of pictures are taken from an adults standing height.  Try something new.  Stand on a chair, get down on the floor.
It is amazing how some simple changes like that can improve your snapshots. There are some noticeable advantages to changing your viewpoint.

1.  It adds interest!!!
Taking pictures from your normal viewpoint just documents objects the way that most people observe them.  Get down and take pictures of the
flowers from a worms point of view and really get peoples attention.

2.  Use it to Accentuate certain Features-
Want to emphasize how small your child is?  Shoot down on them.  Want to pull the viewer into a soccer picture?  Take a picture from the ball's
point of view.  Show how tall a building is by shooting up the corner of it.

3.  Use this technique to Simplify the Background
Shooting down while outdoors can remove some of the distractions from the background filling it with grass.  Shooting up can fill the
background with sky.

4.  Fit the Whole Group in
Shooting down at large group minimizes the space used for bodies and legs and emphasizes the faces.

5.  Use it to Eliminate Double Chins-
For those of us that are carrying around a couple of extra pounds just looking up slightly can stretch out the neck helping with those double chins.

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