A Little Sliver of Peace | Maple Valley family photographer

I have 5 kids.  CRAZY!  ...but in a good way! 
We are trying to get our house ready to sell.  CRAZY!  ...but worth it to get closer to family!
I am trying to actually launch this photography gig and make a name for myself.  CRAZY!  ...but something I have wanted to do for at least 11 years now. 
I can define most aspects of my life with one word: crazy.  The good sort of crazy.  The trying to carry 3 bags of groceries into the house while balancing a kid on each hip sort of crazy.  Although I am often reminding myself that this craziness is an abundance of blessings, I am usually pretty content that this IS my life and, for the most part, peace and solitude are not a big part of my life at the moment.  But every once in a whie, when I am very lucky, I find those moments, hidden like the little jewels that they are.  Imagine my suprise when, with the oldest 3 off at school, I managed to get the 2 year old and the baby to nap at the same time.  I had 2 hours of peace and solitude.  Even better, it was a beautiful sunny day here in Western Washington.  As I am getting dinner started, the sun is streaming through our south facing windows.  There is something about the light coming in on days like today that make me LOVE my house.  It was so beautiful.  I tried to capture it.  I just thought I would share.  It would have been nice if I had picked up a bit.  In my artist brain, I was taking a picture of the LIGHT... not the stuff. 

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