Today was a snow day. Our school district is so wimpy. The kids stayed home but it did give me a chance to try out a set up I had been wanting to try. We took one of the living room chairs out into the front yard and took pictures in the snow.

What I learned... I needed to have it further out from the bushes. I didn't like it when I got little bits of bushes in my pictures...but it was okay when I got lots of bushes in the pictures... and the girls really didn't like looking up at me when I was on the ladder. Although the sun was completely hidden and behind them. the sky was too bright. I still really need to slow down to perfect the picture before I take it. Oh the other thing was that we messed up the snow in front of the chair....I wishI could figure out a way to get them to the chair without walking in the snow.... I think that this would be a fun annual picture, that is until we move back to Texas. Ooohhhh, but wouldn't the chair look great in the bluebonnets?

The little guys stayed inside....


  Angela O.

February 27, 2009 at 7:09 AM

Maybe put a blanket down for the subject to work to the chair then take the blanket up?

I have such beautiful nieces and such a talented SIL!!!! Where was the other kid?

  Gretchen Blair

February 27, 2009 at 7:47 AM

Napping... didn't like her much yesterday.

  maryland mom

March 3, 2009 at 6:59 AM

You have more creativity in your thumb than I have in my whole body. You are good girl!