Grrr... Difficult models!

I was trying to take pictures of my dear 3 year old, but she wouldn't cooperate. I had to bribe her with marshmallows. Then, my goofy battery- straight off the charger pooped out. I definately need to go get a new battery! I have seen a lot of people who rave about using fleece as a back drop, so I thought I would give it a try. I found a piece of black fleece in my closet the other day so I decided to use it today. The people who rave about it must not have pets. Mine is so covered in dog hair and lint, thank goodness for photoshop! All in all I got one (maybe 2) that were half way decent....



April 16, 2009 at 8:54 AM

Yep, I had to retouch the black I used (which BTW is the back of the shark blanket you made for Joel) because of the pills/hair on it. I think a giant lint roller is needed for fleece!