So much to learn...

I found this new forum that is for people interested in children and family portraiture and wow is it eye opening. I am realizing now HOW far I have to go and how much I have to learn. It really bruised my little ego, but I guess a little ego bruising now and again is good for us all... Anyway I took a couple of pics of A and her friend yesterday. Thought I would share-



April 7, 2009 at 4:59 PM

You should post the one of them together on the I heart faces site, the theme this week is friends.

  Angela O.

April 8, 2009 at 2:26 PM

oh my goodness. They are gorgeous. It's strange - A looks grown up and strangely I see a lot of the little girl at 2 - 3 y.o. that I knew simultaneously.

don't let your ego gets bruised. You are a fantastic photographer. If people didn't think so they wouldn't continue to ask you to do their photos. but it never hurts to learn more. Tiger Woods and Joe Satriani still practice for hours everyday.