Vow Renewals...

So, this weekend our church had a vow renewal service. I was asked to take pictures and I jumped at the chance to practice on poor helpless victims. The groups shot was BAD. Our church has difficult lighting which is probably true of most churches. I had the strobes, but I think that I probably had them turned pretty low. The fact is I didn't check to see where the dial was set... (mistake 1). I don't think they effected the picture at all. Then (mistake 2) I am not sure wheter the culprit was a small DOF (depth of field) or just funky auto focus, but the majority of the group of out of focus. The problem was that I had the lights set up for the couples shots, but then we were blessed with nice weather so we went outside for those. We brought in the lights after the ceremony and set them up as quickly as possible. I get really stressed when people are waiting for me and then I tend to get really self conscious. Thus we set up the lights and took the picture without sufficient prep.

Additionally, I took 25 couples' pictures... What I really needed was practice posing people. But again, people waiting, me self conscious, I rushed and really gave very little guidance in the poses. In my head I had invisoined all of these great things, but the reality was I had the time of prom pictures or something. Additionally, I had the camera on auto based on a set aperature. Bad idea! I had several shots that were way over exposed.

The over-exposed pictures...

and our picture.....



April 2, 2009 at 10:31 AM

I like the outdoor pics. Yeah it is hard to order people around, I only order my own kids around. I like the way the first 2 people are posed. Older people probably pose differently than younger people (like you wouldn't get them on their bellies!)

I like the beard, James won't grow one now because half of it is white!

  Angela O.

April 4, 2009 at 5:24 AM

I think the group shot is quite good. For such a large group there are only a couple of people partially obstructed or in shadows. Especially with those (beautiful but) backlighting windows.

I think all the individual photos are good but I especially like that last couple - what a good-looking couple! (You crack me up, though, holding your glasses in your hand; most of my photos are that way too!)